Many of them date back to the early years of Prospect Park, over 150 years ago, and at times even earlier. . Copyright 2017 The Trees Remember | All Rights Reserved. For a comprehensive view of the different levels available to choose from and what they include, view our  From flowering cherries to statuesque elms, contributions to the Tree Trust ensure the Park’s trees are pruned, fertilized, and kept healthy, strong, and well-maintained. Together with our arboriculture team, we will work with you to choose a meaningful location and species for your tree, and organize a planting ceremony where you and your loved ones can participate in planting your tree. The time to plant is now! The Tree Trust program offers many unique recognition opportunities at varying levels of contribution. Due to the nature of these mass plantings, it is not possible to identify the species or location of the donated sapling, but honorees will receive a beautiful e-certificate. Each Arbor Day (late-April), a community tree is planted in Prospect Park. Each sapling you purchase is helping to create woodland habitats that will benefit people and wildlife for years to come. A gift of $500 will help plant a sapling. 10 Enlightening Reads on Appreciating Central Park and Urban Greenspaces. In your honoree’s name, you can participate in programs which will replant seedlings in scorched and damaged areas and kickstart nature’s own healing process and ensure that future generations will be able to fully enjoy of our nation’s wilderness areas. Planting memorial trees is a beautiful way to remember a loved one. We add in an additional personal note card, in its own little kraft paper envelope, for your special sentiments and then go the extra mile by including a small metal tree charm and mailing everything to your recipient in a rigid cardboard mailer. Contact us to learn more about planting a commemorative tree It’s the extra effort and customer service which makes The Trees Remember the premier site for planting trees in our National Forests. Tree Charm: A small “Eternity Memorial Tree” charm on a waxed cord is included with the Acknowledgment Card, and is an elegant way of keeping memories of the honored close at hand. The gift of a memorial tree or grove is enduring, symbolic, and will grow stronger, and blossom with life, year after year. We will work with you to organize a planting ceremony where you and your loved ones can participate in planting your tree. Each planting season, we will have a list of different promotional trees and locations to choose from. We make all our gift packages by hand and create a very elegant framed card you would be proud to display. You can help reach that target by helping to plant trees … The Tree Trust, a program of the Women’s Committee, provides for the permanent care of Central Park’s approximately 18,000 trees. If you are paying someone else to do it, check – is it your tree or is someone planting it anyway and you are paying for it to be dedicated? Memorial Trees As a part of our overall forest restoration effort, you and your family and friends are invited to participate in our Penn Forest Natural Burial Park Tree Planting and Dedications, which takes place in the fall of every year. Plant a tree. They are wise in their silence. Your gift will help replace lost trees and ensure the ecological health of the park, which is home to over 30,000 trees of more than 150 species. The planting seasons, deadline to arrange, and the personalized nature of the program are fulfilled the same as the option above. Forest fires claim hundreds of thousands of acres of our nation’s woodlands every year. A small pewter colored Eternity Memorial Tree charm on a waxed cord as a physical reminder of the gift. Questions? We also have a group fundraising option where multiple donors can contribute toward a commemorative tree. Participate in the Arbor Day Community Tree Planting: $100. It is managed in partnership with the Prospect Park Alliance. The Central Park Conservancy is a private, not-for-profit organization, and is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations of $5,000 and above are acknowledged with the selection of an existing mature tree in the Park as guided by our expert staff and a granite paving stone at the southern end of Literary Walk, mid-Park at 66th Street. Contact us. For important milestones, endow a mature tree and create a living memory that will last for generations to come. The Mailer: All cards are mailed in rigid 100% recycled mailers, so they always arrive in pristine condition, even if the mailman is having a bad day. Our arboriculture and Landscape Design teams will work with you to develop a design for a beautiful and meaningful grove. To donate to an existing group fundraiser, please enter the code/name here: Should your group not reach its goal within one year, all contributions will be designated to support the general fund for the care and maintenance of Central Park trees. communities we serve, in partnership with the City of New York. Prospect Park is property of the City of New York and under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks & Recreation. This is one of the personal touches that distinguishes our service from others. We also offer a limited number of less personalized tree planting options, pending availability each season, starting at $500.