Molon labe (Ancient Greek: μολὼν λαβέ, romanized: molṑn labé), meaning "come and take [them]", is a classical expression of defiance.It is among the laconic phrases reported by Plutarch, attributed to King Leonidas I in reply to the demand by Xerxes I that the Spartans surrender their weapons. In a variation of this, a sequence near the beginning of, The re-imagined series also gives us "combat landings," similar in execution, though not in set-up. A reddish sunset means that the air is dusty and dry. Evening red and morning gray, send a sailor on his way- evening gray and morning red bring the rain upon his head. Although I'll respectfully disagree about the fruitlessness of speculation, I agree that none of the answers adequately address the "in" part of "in hot water". Four days later, on April 9, the song was released as the third official single following "Been to Hell" and "Coming Back Down". The reviewer gave "Comin' in Hot" a perfect ten out of ten score. It's the "absence of noise" that's the indicator. "The vicar's late coming! The gray overcast dominating the horizon means a large area is affected. I read this in a book: "Mackerel skies and mares' tails make tall ships wear short sails." 20 minutes later, the EF4 Fairdale, IL tornado was going through the area. My Mother always says long straight white clouds is a sign that in the next couple days we will have strong winds. For the non-vehicle variation see Too Fast to Stop and Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress. The deck crew, expecting this trope to play out in full, prepare the nets only to watch EDI correct his plane and land safely. Submitted by S Lamont on December 2, 2018 - 12:38pm, Yes I have noticed this, but usually when its really close by which time I'm already on alert. The more abruptly that noise stops, the faster you better get somewhere safe because the storm is coming in fast and hard. A music video was also released the same day. Submitted by Linda on April 14, 2018 - 12:43pm. Creating new Help Center documents for Review queues: Project overview, Feature Preview: New Review Suspensions Mod UX. Depending on the age of the saying, it might alternatively be referring to those foods which are actually cooked alive (crabs, lobster) for roughly the same meaning, before the metaphor was a set saying. The deck crew, expecting this trope to play out in full, prepare the nets only to watch EDI correct his plane and land safely. Famous Last Words. One of my partners mentioned this, saying his family has said it before, and it seemed like a decent idea. :). If the arm did not heal in a couple of days, they were found guilty. Without hydraulics to deploy the flaps and slats, the plane was forced to come in at an extremely high landing speed. I've seen this even in blue skies but most often in foggy/cloudy conditions. The band performs on plain ground with just bales of hay around them, with the camera rotating from a ground shot to an aerial shot at times. Plus, the crew was sleep-deprived, had spent four days in near-freezing cold, and one crew member was running a high fever due to a kidney infection. A music video was also released the same day. I heard on PBS that in Old England a suspected criminal was forced to put their arm in a cauldron of hot water up to the elbow. My mom, a Vermonter, had two sayings that always proved true: A clear sky of fleckless blue breeds storms within a day or two. hi we will have big winds in 2021 it will be like the storm called teddy. Also in the book, Jackson's backseater is injured, and would have probably been killed in an ejection. I told my husband we'd better get in because it's going to be bad. When the wind is in the east 'tis good for neither man nor beast. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I'm trying to find the roots for its prevalent usage, especially in North America. Submitted by Alice on January 16, 2019 - 10:06am. An alternate version of the track was initially released for free on the band's Facebook as a promotional single for their second album, American Tragedy. My speculation: maybe hot water was a canonical example of something troublesome to procure (in the days before hot and cold running water)? Conversely, a reddish sunrise means that dry air from the west has already passed over us on their way easy, clearing the way for a storm to move in. [1], During the song, the lyrics are performed while the band is shown, still dressed in country attire, as working the field and roaming the farm for girls.