And when the new life comes in it's absolutely, altogether different from the first life. And what does that mean? But when the people dedicated, not the church, not the building, but when the people got with one accord, and prayed with one accord, and sang with one accord, and everything was of one accord, then the Holy Spirit in the form of a Pillar of Fire, moved into the building and settled upon the place. And for us too, the heart of the matter should not be about contract, it should be about covenant. So they sacrificed. The first is through the separation, water by the washing of the Word; second, recognizing the blood that he's passing under; then when he comes in beneath the blood, he comes into the fellowship of all the saints. Coming into these three rooms now. Yes, of course I encourage you to give 10%! Because their sins had been paid for, the Israelites celebrated and gave thanks to the Lord. God can forgive us of all of our sins. That's change your nature, and the Blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can do it. And in 2 Samuel 7:11-13 God makes a covenant with David. He can only be forgiven for what he done, not what Adam done, what he done, the sins that he did. There you are. Here sets the tent, but before anyone can come in, that's been an alien, that's away from God, that's once been and backslidden, or is gone out into the world, or one who is born outside of Israel, must first come and be sprinkled with the waters of separation, separating him from the things of the world, that his desire and love and desire is for the Word of God. They had spent so much time and so much money on the temple. You can't do it. But till you are borned again, and your intellectuals has rotten away from your thoughts and you hold only to Christ and He's filled you with His Spirit, that's when the things of the world become foolish to you, and the love of God is great and first in your life. But, brother, Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them." May God grant that we make that promise this morning, with full hearts; that we resolve to let the Holy Spirit, the invisible Holy Spirit be seen in our faces, in our lives. For Moses patterned the earthly tabernacle after what he had seen in heaven, a sanctuary of the Lord. © 2019 How different would the world look if God’s people agreed to make an 180-degree turn in their lives? The serpent itself and the pole spoke of judgment passed (God's Divine judgment on the serpent), and spoke of the coming of Christ, where He would be made sin, and God's Divine judgment would be poured out on Him. Look at the unique and modern shape of the reredos behind the altar. What have we done to deserve anything from the Lord? E-57 Lord God, we commit it to You, the works of the hands, the labor, the toils, the cares. In addition to preaching and singing we must be a praying church. There was nothing in the ark save two tables which Moses put therein at Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of Egypt. Our church buildings ought to helps us to focus our lives on God. The denominational barriers will stop you, but the Holy Spirit will bring you into that fellowship that's of God. The second thing come is blood. It's not the class and the beauty of the building, which is fine. E-27 Then what do they do with the blood of the heifer? After all that hard work. E-48 Let this tabernacle always stand by those principles, which was in type then, now it's antetype. His income was more than 25 tons of gold every year. What are human beings like? How? We fail, but he did not. E-24 Then hyssop would be throwed in with the scarlet, cedar wood and hyssop. Always keep yourself clean; keep your church clean. Hyssop, weeds, just common weeds, making the humility of the Gospel of the waters of separation... Because the waters of separation is the Word of the living God. Finally, says God to Solomon: My people need to turn from their wicked ways. And here is where the preacher stands, the holiest of holies where the Word is ministered to the people. Rejected stone become the chief of the cornerstone, the chief cornerstone. E-39 Running all the way down to every denomination, to every brother that's borned of the Spirit, freely coming into the house. We walk through the Blood, or under the Blood of the Lord Jesus, confessing our sins and be filled with His Spirit and come here... And you people this morning should be just as glad and happy of this little tabernacle, as Israel was of theirs. The Pentecostal church today... And this pastor here, I believe with my heart, is a man of God. You cannot have the Father without the Son. We must recognize the full Gospel. Upon leaving Ashland he was voted by his faculty colleagues to be Professor Emeritus. He was the Lily of the Valley. Careful hands has designed it and made it a place. Listen to his beautiful words: The Lord says ‘I shall be your God and you shall be my people.’. That's where God meets, under the shed blood. His word did not fail. How could we possibly think that we sinners deserve to be in the house of a holy God? For more than a thousand years the people of Israel had been doing disgusting and terrible things that one would even hesitate to mention in church. May it always be open to whosoever will let him come and drink from the fountains of the Lord. And God has given to our precious brother and to this congregation, this most beautiful structure. E-28 Here coming from the courts now into the fellowship. We cannot simply do whatever we want to do. They've never come into the miracle working place where they're at rest with God. When you think about it, those Israelites had no business being in that beautiful sanctuary in the presence of the Lord. E-52 God let it be again. They agree in one. David said, "How sweet it is for our brethren to dwell together in unity. The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. ( Log Out /  “If only your sons…” How many times in History do we know of some great acts of God through a faithful servant, which was undone by the careless or arrogant actions of his descendants. But the Blood was the first thing God recognized. L. Today we dedicate afresh this building to the service of God. We fail all the time. He counts it greater than anything else. It was so perfectly cut out. Remember, it was cut out of every different kind of stone. It's the truth that that mysterious character in our first reading discovered. So you see, the dedication of a church don't only mean coming and saying, "Lord, we give You this building." What are we doing? Then one day, David was setting with the prophet, and he said to the prophet, Nathan; he said, "Is it right that I myself live in a house of cedar, and the ark of the covenant of my God is under them tents out yonder yet?" (A PowerPoint presentation for this sermon is available upon request at It is not a snail that carries its little house on its back and is so well off in it, that … It's not the class and the beauty of the building, which is fine. The Church is perfected through justification, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Today, having completed the work necessary to fully occupy this place, we can now dedicate this building and its functions to God. E-29 You must recognize the Blood. What was you?". His hands should be undefiled from the things of the world. The Lily of the Valley... E-38 Then what is the High Priest anointed with? Such as the laver, where the sacrifice was washed, the brass altar, where it was slain and burned. We come to build each other up and rejoice that God is in our midst, and that He is alive and active in our lives. Is there anybody here today who does not need to prayer the prayers of confession and contrition? But I have built Him a house... And Jesus indeed laid down his life, saying ‘this is my blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins’. Before you could ever enter into that building, you had to be prepared before you entered into the worship. He spared them and forgave them. But when He called them out, they were then the church of God. That temple no longer stands today. Forgive the way we treat the foreigners who dwell in our midst! The world may not see, the world may not know that we have known that gift. So this church is a sign of God's promise and God's faithfulness, and so it is a sign of God's Holy Spirit. What are we doing? That doesn't even start half of what it means to be infinite. You may have sun porches. Here is the holy place, the altar. E-56 Almighty God, we come into Thy Presence, bringing to Thee the works of the hands of the children of men, this tabernacle, that tears and sacrifice and labors has bought its material. The Dedication of Christ the King Lutheran Church & School A House Fit for the King Text: 1 Kings 8:45-63 I. Bookmark the permalink. Their land was filled with adulterous activities. We must have fellowship with every brother or sister that desires fellowship that's come through the same elements that we have. "For when I see the blood, I'll pass, I'll pass over you." The only two things that would be required for the prayers of the people to be answered would be for the people to enter into the temple, repent of their sins, and seek God’s forgiveness. Marvin A. McMickle is the president of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. However, even that wall is not an original part of Solomon’s temple; that wall was built when King Herod tried to rebuild the walls after one of the many times when conquering armies marched into Jerusalem and burned down the walls as a sign of their conquest. Try 300 years!”  That’s how long the Israelites had been waiting to have a permanent house of worship. intellectual: spirit, thoughts; and soul, your faith in God: three room house. We’ve had plenty of discussions about budget regarding this building. E-7 Then being the Church of God, God ordained a certain place for these people to meet in where there would be fellowship; because God longs to fellowship with His people, and among His people. We are able by God's miraculous gift to put aside our fears about our safety and security so that we may love one another, as today's Epistle told us. This prayer reminds us that, when conditions seem absolutely hopeless, Christians have great opportunities. He prays also that God may hear the cries of the foreigners in their midst. After all those years. And let us walk every day with the assurance of God’s indwelling in us. For you have passed through the Blood, and "When I see the blood I pass over you." He is a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Preachers at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word." And in the burning there was to be put scarlet, cedar wood, and hyssop. You heard it earlier today:  “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” Forgiveness and heaven are yours—freely and fully.