CFA exam results available (** our educated guesses) if i awarded the access scholarship by 1 december can i able to register for february intake for level1?

You need to decide until 20 October (free of charge) which computer-based exam you’d like to take if you’re not taking the Dec 2020 exam.

It is widely expected that the Dec 2020 exams, all levels, will be delivered despite the difficult pandemic situation.
As already said, the exact length of the exam window depends on the test center you choose and the geographic region you live in. Due to Covid -19 exams got postponed. Hi Monika, it depends. No requests for refunds will be accepted prior to 7 December and no exceptions will be made. Hope this helps! You may also visit our Test Center Updates page for the latest test center information, including testing locations in which CFA Institute has determined that it will not administer the exam.

CFA level 2 exams consist of 120 questions, unlike the level 1 exam. This is now updated! Registration Closes. It's best to register the day before to avoid any doubts! At most centers, candidates will be seated six feet apart, and we will allow personal cleaning and sanitary supplies. Once again. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of continuing uncertainty, and with that uncertainty has come numerous challenges for our candidates and our exam administrators. Candidates and testing personnel will be required to wear face coverings that cover from nose to chin throughout the duration of the exam.

I have paid the standard registration for the CFA exam in December but I will have to postpone to May 2021.

For the latest information on the December 2020 exams, please visit our CFA Exam Updates page.
No, if you are not granted the scholarship you can pay the first deadline. To this end, you'll need to use the so-called ProScheduler via a dedicated platform. AnalystPrep offers video lessons and study notes covering the full curriculum, question bank and mock exams to practice solving as many practice questions as possible, and many other helpful study tools such as a formula sheet. Refund requests will be accepted between 7-21 December.

Published: August 4, 2020 Starting in 2021, Level II and Level III of the CFA® exam will be offered in a computer-based testing format, ending 60 years of paper-based testing.

The deadline also applied to you.