This activity helps develop this cognitive concept in babies. Encourage them and give clues by pointing in the direction of your partner. There are various sensory activities for 6-month-old babies that you can try to boost the development of your little one. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. Skills developed: Object tracking, vision development, muscle-sight coordination. Tuck them under the sofa in such a way that the cloth pieces hang down like a curtain. Say something funny or sing a song while you pull them into the sitting position. She might be waving, gurgling, gabbling, moving her hands and legs, nodding, and smiling. When babies are around 6 months of age, they learn to clap. Bend them gently and move them in cyclic motion, as if the baby was pedaling a bicycle. By. Have a game or activity to share? For example, when you’re changing her, you can sing, “Now, I’m going to change your clothes”. Curious which baby names stole the show this year? Place a large mirror low on the wall so he can look at himself when he is playing on the floor. This Traditional Method of Massaging a Baby Can Help in Holistic... World Pneumonia Day 2020 – History, Facts and Approach, Babyhug Baby Panda Gyro Swing Car With Steering Wheel Review. Pictures with tactile components help in the development of sight and touch. Read colorful picture books with your baby! Every little thing is exciting to them, and it leads them to learn something new every day. It’s a great time to start reading books to your baby! Place them all in front of your baby on a plastic sheet (to prevent a mess!) Your baby's becoming much more physical and he needs to move his muscles. Find a chore your kid loves to do, and start a habit of wanting to help out that'll last a lifetime. Babies at 6 months can see far enough to focus on bubbles, and those shiny soap bubbles can prove to be quite entertaining for them. Place the baby on their tummy and place a stringed toy in their field of vision. When underneath, say some words to attract the baby’s attention like “Where is Mama?”, “Where am I?”. By Ellen Sturm Niz It is the time for many ‘firsts’ including the first time your baby eats pureed food, responds to their name and even recognizes their reflection in the mirror. Babies look around with a renewed perspective. You need not only do this at night; sing to her while giving her a bath or while feeding her. Your baby will squeal with laughter, owing to the surprise factor of moving around in various directions. Games can get more physical now. Physical and cognitive skills are tightly connected and activities that incorporate both types of challenges are crucial. Babies can roll over at the age of six months, so they will use this skill to get better access to the toy. Here’s everything you need to know about the disease that originated in Wuhan, China. Everything you need to thrive at home as a family. These games for your six-month-old aim at the holistic development of the baby. Skills developed: Muscle strength, general physical dexterity. Start with an activity your baby can copy easily – waving the hand up and down, clapping, closing your eyes, and opening your eyes. 10 Activities to help your baby’s brain development. Rising on her knees, and rocking back and forth. Get creative with your baby during playtime – here are some six-month-old baby activities that will help your infant boost her overall development. Babies love imitating people they adore, and your baby would love to imitate you!