Think about how good that feeling would be if you always woke up that way. Eventually, at some point, I went to the gym to sit in the sauna and hot tub (which isn’t a very healthy thing to do … I didn’t know at the time that using a sauna with a hangover is not very good – read more here). Definetly waking up better, and all the other benefits that comes with. And if you work out, drinking on the reg can make matters worse for your health. Not binging on cheese and crackers! Great page and great inspiration from all posters, Rob 21 days today sleeping better trying to stop feeling sorry for myself I’m 58 time to grow up lasted 6 mos 2yrs ago alcohol consumed my life a liquid in a bottle will not run my life thanks for comments inspiring good luck to all. — and made me more conscious of how much I'm consuming. Used the same tactics. Within 6 months I had never been so flexible. Thank you, 28 days. I had one of the most productive and successful periods of my career. Works a treat. Your email address will not be published. When trying to lose weight, we all try to cut out carbs and fat but we sometimes forget about another culprit, alcohol. Now, three years later, I live in New York, the city that never sleeps, and I’m constantly around alcohol. Thanks for reading, Drinking excessive alcohol an marijuna while taking 1000 mm of depakote is no joke waking up to seizures everyday an blackouts after stopping it’s like almost being little again. Yes I think I would love that, but would it be possible…? I reasoned that I could continue to enjoy the occasional Reese's peanut butter cup if I stopped drinking. At night, I no longer craved carbs and fat. } catch(e) {}. At first I was convinced being a vegetarian was right for me, but once I got honest with myself after giving it a solid effort, I had to admit it wasn’t for me. Having alcohol in the fridge was as important as having milk, more sometimes, depending on my shift as a nurse in a v busy ward the only alcohol free nights were the ones I did nightshift I don’t drive, so didn’t have to factor driving early next morning into the equation . It seems obvious, but when you haven't done any of those things without alcohol in 15 years, it's a revelation. Here I want to talk about my biggest lessons, and how shit-faced I got the day it all finished. At the moment my urge to drink isn’t there so—for now—I don't feel any desire to start again. As my drinking increased, the number of workouts I got done in a given week became less and less. I truly thought I was incapable of stopping. Tbh, I didn’t even really enjoy it and felt as though I was drinking fast to get rid of it. I’ve read many of your posts and its funny how much we may have in common. Still not sleeping well. Ads by Amazon. "Give your body this super-boost, and see what I'm talking about: No alcohol for three weeks, 45–60 minutes of cardiovascular activity four-to-six days a week, and clean eating with plenty of organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and one short glass of water every hour. Very inspiring. However, over the following few years I moderated my fitness to 3 to 5 times per week and not going at it too hard. When it’s empty, tomorrow night, that’s it. I wake up every morning and say “I’m glad I don’t drink”. And as a 5' 2" woman, it was obvious that I'd gained weight in my stomach and lower back. Why trust us? I couldn’t live with that. Aha. 3 months is long enough that you stop emotionally clinging on to the thought of that first drink because, boy, is it a long way off. Blackouts, acting like a complete fool, sick nights and mornings , bad conscious, depression, stressed, anxiety,fighting with my spouse , parents, etc the list goes on and on. It turns out that alcohol is a terrible antidote for stress and anxiety. Turns out It was the best thing to ever happen to me. In my 7th week now. Well... the 3 months have gone quickly and smoothly! I’m the mum of a man who has mental health issues as well as alcohol problems. This worries me, but reading that some people’s symptoms keep disappearing into 2nd month gives me hope. That you can still be there, sober, without looking like a lemon. I assume the bound up was due to me consuming grains at least from keeping track that’s what it looks like, but it didn’t always happen. The craving has only just stopped. Have no idea what inspired it at the time though but just up and quit drinking all of the sudden. Heavy drinker for 35 years. If it was the opposite, they’d have all my support, so that has also been a wake up call. Will I ever be able to occasionally have only one or a few glasses of wine at dinner? But when you don't drink for that long, it does all start to get weird, and I think it's worthwhile to exit the booze bubble for an extended period and see it from the outside. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload');   MyDomaine uses only high-quality, trusted sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. You may have never done some of these things without a drink in hand. I actually felt like I was dying after being sick for a month. I used to have a couple of glasses of red wine a few times a week, and on the weekends I would drink more when I went out. She said she could tell from my ultrasound pictire that my liver was rough and i drank. A couple weeks several more times. I woke up last Friday, 1st March, decided no more nightly glass of wine that often became a bottle ( sometimes followed by a large gin ). After getting sober, I didn’t jump back into lifting weights … but I did within a few years. My breakfast was only fruit. It’s been great reading everyone’s stories and really helps keeping me motivated, so thank you to everyone, It’s only fair that I share mine. I quit because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I lost 34 Pounds in 3 Months. Recent studies show that drinking small amounts of alcohol (e.g. That’s how I eventually cut down to practically no drinking. In the corporate world, all of these events provide shared experiences that strengthen our relationships. When I was out, I'd down a couple of shots of Fireball, chase them with soda, and follow that up with a game of flip cup. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2017 Apr. So much cultural convention around drinking to keep ahead of.. I had quit drinking a little over a year ago, for about four months. Today is January the 9th I am going to try this until February 9th and see how it goes…. But I’ve been to gigs, eaten meals out and seen plenty of friends. Prayer has helped me a lot too. Thanks for reading. } One thing for sure is that if I do have a beer or two after my month off, there is no way I will return to the levels of drinking I was previously at. I know, it all sounds annoyingly upbeat and happy. I didn’t realize I could put so much weight on my face … I didn’t look very good at all. Although I’m sure that was due to stress and shock as well, I must say that my body was in a very good condition to deal with the stress, due to cutting out alcohol and caffeine. ", Katrina, 30, noticed that most social situations involved alcohol and says going "dry" encouraged her to shift this dynamic. I have sometimes fancied a drink but have had a cuppa instead. While my weight loss could also be due to other lifestyle changes I made — eating either low-carb or no-carb dinners, choosing healthy fats over unhealthy ones, and exercising at least twice a week — giving up alcohol felt like less of a challenge. It’s not some conspiracy, but it is a deeply-entrenched narrative about the place of alcohol in our lives that ignores and distorts some very uncomfortable facts about cultivating such a dependency. Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox, 3 Oct 2018 – I bought bags of apples and all kinds of vegetables. Given the choice between a chocolate bar and a glass of wine, I will always pick chocolate. Like what you see here? However, over the following few years I moderated my fitness to 3 to 5 times per week and not going at it too hard. I don’t know what did it, but suddenly I said, I’m done, no more. Be careful how you do it because alcohol withdrawal is a real thing. These walks not only help shed weight and burn fat, but it was highly cathartic for me. I’m not saying vegetarianism isn’t for everyone; it just wasn’t for me. Here’s how I did it. Rather than just grabbing a pint, I've ended up discovering loads of other fizzy, sweet, fermented and pungent beverages to quench my newly recognised diversity of tastes. Hi I’m 42 and have been a heavy drinker . I can attest that it keeps getting better the longer you go. Total-Body Transformation, Month 6: Training Plan, I Worked Out 5 Days a Week for a Month—But I Didn't Lose Weight Until I Started Meal Prepping, I Stopped Living to Eat and Lost Over 80 Pounds. And another thing… I’ve NEVER been as aware of how social media/commercials etc are directed at drinking alcohol! My plan is to go six weeks w/o a drop. Always waking up with a hangover and feeling groggy but returning to the bottle at night. 20 dry days behind me after drinking pretty much every day for 25 years. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); 42 years of drinking … day 24 … should of done this a long time ago. Alcohol not only is linked to obesity but it also increases the risk of heart disease and causes at least 7 types of cancer. If you’re thinking of giving up or cutting back on alcohol yourself, Hello Sunday Morning offers an app/online program, free for Australians, called Daybreak.