convergent thinking examples

convergent Quiz Yourself - Examples of Divergent and Convergent Thinking. Convergent Thinking. Analyzing two different answers to a question to determine which answer is best. Critical thinking envolves you putting a lot of logic on a certain topic, like facts of the topic. Divergent Thinking. There isn’t a specific answer for this that covers all cases. Sometimes divergent thinking is better than convergent thinking when the situation re... These clusters could be sized by varying the time periods spent on finding matches. The achievement of this remarkable feat called for the making of a lot of new technologies to design and manufacture the rockets, lunar modules, spacesuits and other necessary equipment. 2. Quiz Yourself - Examples of Divergent and Convergent Thinking Linear thinking, or convergent thinking, is about learning facts, follow instructions, and solving problems with one right answer. Multiple-choice tests, logic puzzles, text comprehension questions, or simply working out how to use the television remote are all examples of situations where convergent thinking is used. In contrast to divergent thinking, convergent thinking involves seeing–recognizing the similarity or the commonality of phenomena that appear to be different or combining and joining two or more different observations or ideas together so that they provide additional information, for example, putting the pieces of a puzzle together so they make a complete picture. “Convergent Thinking is so fun,” Point to your head for “thinking.” Following divergent thinking, the ideas and information will be organized using convergent thinking; i.e., putting the var ious ideas back together in some organized, structured way. From this perspective divergent thinking is a kind of problem solving. why? Ponder a longstanding problem. It refers to the ability to correctly answer questions that do not require great creative ability, such as standardized tests, exams or similar tests. Sign up today! Divergent thinking in children is an exceptional gift. 3. Pathologically Speaking: Convergent Thinking Speech ... Free for students, parents and educators. An engineer uses calculus to determine the flextual strength of an aircraft wing. 2)Explain the different theories in regards to motivation and emotions. A good example of convergent thinking in practice would be solving a mathematical equation or answering a multiple-choice test question: while there are multiple ways of reasoning you can use to answer the question, there is only one good answer. Convergent thinking isn’t bad or unproductive. Guilford coined convergent thinking in contrast with divergent thinking. Unlike convergent thinking, where the individual gives the one correct or conventional response (e.g., “Who won the 1988 World Series?”), divergent thinking leads … Convergent thinking is a fundamental tool in a child's education.Today, most educational opportunities are tied to one's performance on standardized tests that are often multiple choice in nature. Divergent thinking is employed when an individual is faced with an open-ended task (examples were given earlier—“How can a brick be used?”). The terms convergent and divergent thinking came from American psychologist JP Guilford in the 1950s. A convergent person will only be thinking in two ways: it could be done, or it could not be done. Creative problem solving begins with divergent thinking — to collect free-flowing ideas — before converging them so they’re relevant to the issue at hand. It is essential in the outlining and organizing process. Please subscribe to my channel: you have a problem you need to solve and you’re looking for innovative solutions. Convergent Thinking. Convergent Thinking Convergent thinking is the ability to come up with the correct answer to a problem with a well known solution. One of the … The terms convergent and divergent thinking are derived from the original five kinds of operations (orintellectual processes) within the operations dimension of intelligence developed by Guilford: Convergent production (now called convergent thinking) means taking pieces of information to arrive at a single solution. Divergent thinking in children has an incredible potential for growth between the ages of 4 and 6. Critical thinking skills involve analyzing something in order to form a … Convergent Thinking. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Convergent thinking is exactly opposite of what divergent thinking is. Convergent thinking is the process of coming up with the best answer to a question using our memory, resources around us, or logic. In this sense, convergent thinking judges the ideas that arise during divergent thinking to determine their suitability. After divergent thinking we need to find ideas that can turn into action. It is essential in the outlining and organizing process. Convergent thinking puts the different ideas in a more organized, structured and understandable format. Last update: 29 June, 2020. The concept of convergent thinking requires the design thinker to go through all the possible solutions thought during divergent thinking and come up with a … 1. It’s about generating ideas and asking questions that have no solid right or wrong answers. Brainstorming, free writing, keeping a journal and mind-mapping are examples of divergent thinking. The goal of divergent thinking is to focus on a subject, in a free-wheeling way, to think of solutions that may not be obvious or predetermined. All ideas are valid for idea stimulation in divergent thinking. The findings are discussed in relation to divergent and convergent thinking alongside creativity and some implications are provided for textbooks studies. This is in contrast to convergent thinking, which relies on focusing on a finite number of solutions rather than proposing multiple solutions.Divergent thinking takes its name from the idea that a theoretically limitless number of sometimes even unrelated solutions can be generated in an effort to find the best one.Divergent thinking is an important aspect of creative thinking. Convergent Thinking: Definition & Examples Related Study. Convergent Thinking. For example, when taking exams that are objective, we employ convergent thinking. Convergent tools on the other hand, implies that we take several ideas and put them together in a way they can be related. In your business, convergent thinking is more important than divergent thinking? Here, students learn how to “hack” items by using them in unexpected ways. In the concept of convergent thinking, answers are either wrong or right, with zero vagueness in between. This type of thinking is measured by IQ and involves well-defined rational problems that have only one correct answer. You start by looking in your closet to … Convergent thinking organizes and structures new ideas, separating those with worth from those which can be left behind. NASA provides many examples of convergent thinking – something that is also basically the same as linear thinking. Divergent and convergent thinking is not just for creativity in the workplace. Given 4-5 examples, have patient name the category they belong to. Define convergent thinking. Spelling tests and standardized multiple-choice tests where each question has only one correct answer are examples of convergent thinking tasks. An example of divergent thinking is taking a pile of blocks and using them to create as many designs as you can. Gathering various tidbits of facts and data he was able to put the pieces of a puzzle together and come up with a logical answer to the question: Who done it? ), will prevent a lot of frustration and loss of time. The term convergent thinking is defined as the process of finding the single best solution to a problem or question, such as arriving at the answer to a multiple choice question or figuring out how to program your VCR.Coined by J. P. Guilford in 1950, convergent thinking is a process that seeks out the right or best possible solution from many possibilities. Generating ideas is divergent thinking; evaluating and selecting them is convergent thinking. Convergent thinking definition: analytical, usually deductive , thinking in which ideas are examined for their logical... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The meaning of convergent is tending to move toward one point or to approach each other : converging. A classic task that psychologists use to measure convergent thinking is the remote associates test, in which you get three words and have to find a fourth word that relates to the other three. Some examples of Divergent tools include brainstorming, keeping a journal, freewriting and mind or subject mapping. "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Answer (1 of 3): Convergent thinking is what’s measured by IQ tests: rational thinking that typically results in a single right answer. Convergent tools on the other hand, implies that we take several ideas and put them together in a way they can be related. Divergent thinking, on the other hand, is less precise. Examples. Understanding convergent thinking. Convergent Thinking Example . A more complex example of convergent thinking is providing a student with a range of potential solutions to a problem, asking the student to evaluate each solution and determine the most appropriate solution to solve the problem. Finally, examples of new ways to measure convergent thinking for creativity are presented and explained. As such, one … Divergent thinking unfolds and broadens; convergent thinking narrows down and focuses, filtering the set of While divergent thinking is useful for developing concepts, ideas or hypotheses, convergent thinking is useful for focusing the analytic effort. Taking important decisions when reviewing different alternatives when working on a business project and you are the leader. How to use convergent in a sentence. Convergent and Divergent Thinking Comparison . “Like two plus two is four” Hold up 2 fingers then 4 fingers for 2+2=4. Both examples will produce valuable results. Instead, personality traits that promote divergent thinking are more important. Divergent thinking is the opposite of convergent thinking, which involves solving problems through obvious choices only. One would use convergent thinking to answer multiple choice tests on an exam, but use divergent thinking methods to answer an essay. Convergent thinking is considered black and white, while divergent thinking has gray areas. convergent and divergent thinking. They do this to find the best possible solutions to problems. With convergent thinking, you are trying to find a single best solution to a given problem. Convergent Thinking. False. The following are examples of situations when Convergent Thinking is applied by humans in daily life. Convergent thinking is logical, factual, conventional, and focused on a drag until an answer is … When a student contemplates the possible answers available, they use convergent thinking to weigh alternatives within a construct. For example, a civil engineer might look at both steel reinforcing rods and spaghetti, and recognize that they have some similarities: long, tubular, sometimes flexible. Critical Thinking Skills. Convergent thinking requieres a deep analysis of the situation to be able to come up with a solution. We use them all the time in our daily lives! For example, the ability to solve a logic problem. In short, divergent thinking is a necessary part of software design, which many companies avoid today—to their detriment.
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